Give to the Convenience Closet

It’s that time of year and we need to replenish a few items for our Nurse’s Office and Convenience Closet including gently used Raider apparel, girls t-shirts, and girls leggings. In addition, we updated the Amazon Wish List for those that wish to purchase and have items shipped directly to the school. Additional items may be sent to the front office labeled: Jill Pickett/Convenience Closet. Thank […]

Who’s Who at RMS

Back to school means you may have some questions and we have you covered with a LIST of who you may reach out to for answers, including grades, attendance, athletics, PTO, and much more. Don’t forget to bookmark it!

Randolph Yard Signs

Share your Raider pride with your neighborhood! Randolph yard signs are now available for purchase in the office during school hours. Signs are $12 each; office staff can accept cash (exact change preferred) or checks payable to Randolph PTO.